Tuition & Fees

Wild Child believes that every child deserves a high-quality education. We offer flexible structures for a variety of budgets and time availability. There are scholarships and volunteer opportunities available. We encourage everyone to apply! No one is turned away due to lack of funds.

We are a non-profit organization. The tuition figures below cover our base business expenses. We feel that educators provide a valuable contribution to society and compensate our staff accordingly. However, our Executive Director runs the company on a volunteer, zero-pay basis. 



2024-2025 Monthly Tuition

Wild Child holds full time preschool classes from 9:00am-5:00pm Monday-Thursday, with the exception of Friday which end at 3:00pm.

FEES (non-refundable)

Application: $0

Registration: $250 Annual (due at time of enrollment)

Materials & Activities: $500 Annual (billed in August)

PRE-K | $2,510

  • $200 per month fee for any child enrolled that is not fully potty trained. Potty trained means: no diapers, no more than 1 bathroom accident per week.