The Wild Child Experience


Learning begins with a safe and loving environment. Kindness, patience, and compassion guide our words and actions. This extends the community at large as well as all living beings.



Your child will continue to develop appreciation and respect for the brilliance of the natural world. Our classroom materials are also sustainable and non-toxic. Better for your kids, better for the planet.

#2: INCLUSIVE, EQUITABLE LEARNINGChildren are at the center of everything we do and all children are welcome. Curricula is emergent, led by the curiosities and interests of the pod.  We embrace differences and challenge prejudices. We also offe…


Children are at the center of everything we do and all children are welcome. Curricula is emergent, led by the curiosities and interests of the pod.  We embrace differences and challenge prejudices. We also offer our curriculum free to all.

#4: OUT-OF-THE-BOX THINKINGWC goes beyond traditional STEAM preschool subject matter. We’ll explore grey areas and taboo subjects, get messy and break things. This enhances creativity and imagination, and promotes critical thinking and tolerance.


WC goes beyond traditional STEAM preschool subject matter. We’ll explore grey areas and taboo subjects, get messy and break things. This enhances creativity and imagination, and promotes critical thinking and tolerance.