Child-Led & Emergent

Child-Led & Emergent

Montessori & Reggio Inspired

Project Based

Project Based


Our programs nurture the whole child. Students gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their roles in society, and their relationship to the earth while building essential life skills. 

Our curriculum is emergent; it expands and contracts depending on the interests of each class. Cultural literacy and inclusiveness is key to our explorations.

Each day unique sensory, STEM, and process art activities are introduced. Longer term projects are developed over time, allowing children to expand their capacity to plan and focus. 

Regardless of the monthly unit, an anti-bias, anti-racist, and social justice foundation pervades our studies. We aim to get to the deep “why” and facilitate an inquiry cycle that leads to the joy of discovery!


“Creativity becomes more visible when adults are more attentive to the cognitive processes of children than to the results they achieve.”

— Loris Malaguzzi, founder of Reggio Emilia